Lost my first teammate

I found this dude who recently broke his leg and I decided to help him, he didn't know how to make a splint and I tried to show him with very little success However he got it eventually,I don't have a mix but I used the emotes and he got it and we started to travel together and when nightfall hit us all hell broke we got over ran by zombie's.

After a few minutes of hearing zombies and his screams for help as the zombies got to him, it was to dark for me to see and try and help so I followed the sound and swung in that direction and hit a zombie, I them found his corpse there as I went outside to look for him.

Not long after I starved to death because I gave him food so he wouldn't starve to death when I found him

First comrade I ever had and he died because it was to dark to see and we got over ran, I saluted him

Here is his corpse

I found this dude who recently broke his leg and I decided to help him, he didn't know how to make a splint and I tried to show him with very little success However he got it eventually,I don't have a mix but I used the emotes and he got it and we started to travel together and when nightfall hit us all hell broke we got over ran by zombie's.

After a few minutes of hearing zombies and his screams for help as the zombies got to him, it was to dark for me to see and try and help so I followed the sound and swung in that direction and hit a zombie, I them found his corpse there as I went outside to look for him.

Not long after I starved to death because I gave him food so he wouldn't starve to death when I found him

First comrade I ever had and he died because it was to dark to see and we got over ran, I saluted him

Here is his corpse